The Clarion call for Nigerian President of Igbo extraction is gathering serious momentum as the Apex Igbo sociocultural leadership in Imo state has raised their voice in support of the patriotic demand.
The President of Ohanaeze Ndigbo in Imo state, Ambassador Azunna Akpelu declared this position on Wednesday, following recent Political developments in Nigeria. He frawned at the unbridled ambition of the present Nigerian politicians from other zones of Nigeria, who are bent on destroying the country if their selfish and inordinate Political ambition is not actualized.

Ambassador Akpelu said that 2023 will be a great shocker to Nigerians who before now, believed that Ndigbo are the ones asking for NIGERIA dissolution. He stressed that the current occupants of Aso Ruck, who do not consider other Nigerians from other ethnic groups as being qualified to be President are responsible for the crisis leading to the dissolution of Nigeria. Akpelu lamented that those who have controlled presidential powers for two uninterrupted tenures, yet exhibiting unbridled desperation to still rule the country beyond 2023 are the real enemies of Nigeria. Imo Ohanaeze President called on Nigerians to hold these callous politicians responsible if the unity of Nigeria is thwarted by their greedy Political quest in 2023. Ndigbo feel rejected  and marginalized because after over 50 years of the civil war that was declared no victor, no vanquished, Ndigbo are still being treated as orphans in a country they have contributed greatly to its growth and development.

Ambassador Akpelu expressed shock that other ethnic groups in Nigeria have maintained blind eyes to the visible contributions of Ndigbo in the aggregate socioeconomic development of Nigeria in all the states of the federation.

Making a bold and unambiguous assertion, the Imo Ohanaeze President said that Ndigbo are the only ethnic group you can find in their large numbers in all the states of Nigerian federation, engaging in meaningful economic activities, and at the same time, contributing immensely to the sociopolitical advancement of the area. 
The Imo Ohanaeze bigwig emphatically stated that the Igbo presence and Residency in any place in Nigeria is synonymous with development.

On investment, Ambassador Azunna Akpelu voiced it unequivocally that the Igbo huge financial investment in major commercial cities in Nigeria is valued to the tune of N2.7 trillion, adding that no other ethnic group in the country could equal that hieght on cumulative assessment basis.

The erudite Imo Ohanaeze President patriotically called on Nigerians to give unalloyed support to Igbo Presidency project to allow the continued existence of Nigeria as one indivisible Political entity. 
Akpelu lamented that the unquestionable right for Ndigbo alone to be flagged by all major Political parties, especially the PDP and APC to contest for the office of the President in 2023 is necessited by the undeniable fact that all other geopolitical zones in Nigeria have been given the democratic opportunity to rule Nigeria except Ndigbo.

He noted that in 1999, when the current democratic dispensation was about to Kickstart, only two Yoruba men were electorally positioned to contest for Presidential elections from the two major Political parties in Nigeria then. These Nigerian men of Yoruba extraction were Chief Olusegun Obasonjo, who later emerged as the president, and Chief Olu Falae

In 2007, after Obasonjo had completed his two tenures of 8 years in office, the Nigerian unspoken electoral arrangement made it possible through harmonious realities for only three Hausa/Fulani men in the names of Late President Yardua, incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari and former Vice President Atiku Abubarka to slug it out in the presidential election ring. All these Nigerians of Hausa/Fulani extraction were allowed by major Political parties in the country, giving Nigerian electorates the opportunity to choose only from the three, who piloted Nigeria's Political administration in Aso Rick.

Same Political Solidarity also played out in 2019 between President Muhammadu Buhari and Alhaji Atiku Abubarka, still in attempts to satisfy the north in the unwritten agreement for rotation of power(Rotational Presidency) in Nigeria.
Akpelu, questions why such a Political Solidarity guesture can not be made for Ndigbo to rule Nigeria, democratically.
He expressed profound confidence that allowing a Nigerian president of Igbo extraction will not only douse the current political tension in Nigeria, but also assist in profering solutions to the plethora of crisis bedeviling the country at the moment.
Ambassador Azunna Akpelu stated categorically that the Igbo intellectual sophistication, managerial acumen, global exposure and Political administrative capacity is without doubt the antidote to the horrendous odds attempting to decimate Nigeria, the Giant of Africa.

Imo Ohanaeze President concluded by saying that any attempt by other ethnic groups to contest the president of Nigeria in 2023, or use other means to stop an Igbo from becoming the elected president come 2023, portrays a clear indication that Ndigbo are no longer accepted in the country, a situation that may push all Igbos all over the world to take the Nnamdi Kanu option without further delay.

Comrade Val Igwebuike
State Publicity Secretary, 
Imo Ohanaeze Ndigbo.