National Peace Awards Postpone 2020 Edition, To Unveil New Date Soon.

The annual prestigious and distinguished National Peace Awards, which was slated to hold on the 11th of June 2020, has been postponed. The postponement of the 2020 June event was confirmed in the early hours of Saturday via a Special Announcement Statement, signed by the National Public Relations Officer of Messengers of Peace, the organizers of National Peace Awards.

According to the Statement by Agility Onwurah, the National PRO of Messengers of Peace Foundation, he noted that the postponement was premised on few national and international circumstances, which includes the recent Covid19 pandemic saga. He however called on all its members and Awardees to bear with the organization, as a new date will be announced soon.

He further stated that the Messengers of Peace Foundation will be holding a management meeting soon, so as to initiate prospective plans and directions for organizational operations amidst the Covid19 pandemic which has shaped the entire political, social and economic environment in Nigeria and across the globe.

The Messengers of Peace Foundation has remained one of the most notable promoters of National peace in Nigeria. It has continued to use the National Peace Awards to recognise personalities and organizations that have remained earnest in their contributions to peace. The PRO conclusively thanked its partners, members and Awardees for their massive support, as he reiterates the management's willingness to immediately resolve all issues surrounding the postponement.