MUST-READ: To Pageant Practitioners, Here Is How To Gain Credibility To Avoid Scandals

Organizing a beauty pageant for the first time? How to gain the trust of potential contestants. 

A Beauty pageant is a business, and like all businesses, its aim is to add value to people's lives.
You have an idea, a vision for a pageant, hosting it for the first time, can be quite a challenge as the pageant is not known at all and people are very skeptical about pageants, with so many pageants springing up everywhere and some of them, not keeping to there word, and awarding the prizes promised to winners of the contest.

So how do you gain credibility for your pageant, as a first time pageant director?

1) Be clear when it comes to the prices you want to give. If the price is a car, state the brand, if it is an international trip, state the country,been vague and not clearly stating the prizes be it the type of car, the country for the international trip, the brand the winner will be ambassador of, what consolation prizes will be awarded, shows the potential contestants that there is uncertainty and that the pageant may not be fully equipped to deliver these promises.

2) Look for a trustworthy brand to partner with, this trustworthy brand acts like a guarantor to the pageant. 
Choose a brand that the contestants you want to reach are already familiar with like Porsh Concept Modeling Agency and bring them on as partners. 
Once the models see that the brand is in partnership with the pageant, they become more at ease and trust the pageant will deliver on its promises.

3) Don't promise the contestants bogus prizes (except you can deliver) most of the potential contestants,will look at the prizes, and see that the pageant is just starting and will wonder if the pageant can be able to afford all the big prizes, they are calling.
So promise and give affordable prizes, the ones you can provide for, so your pageant is not at risk of running a loss,as the pageant continues to the second, third editions the prizes can increase, because the funds and sponsors coming in are more. 
Hosting a pageant for the first time, might not yield so much profit, it might not even yield profit at all, but try not to run at a loss.
