CO2WET ENTERTAINMENT in collaboration with DELTA STATE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE presents the biggest & most prestigious national pageant with prospects of both immensely enpowering the girl-child financially & giving her the platform to become an AMBASSADOR FOR AGRICULTURE...
WINNER: A brand new car, N500,000, an all-expense paid trip to Dubai, a year modeling contract, a year wardrobe allowance, become an Ambassador for Agriculture & grace covers of various renowned magazines.
1ST RUNNER UP: N200,000, an all-expense paid trip to Ghana & a year modelling contract.
2ND RUNNER UP: N150,000, an all-expense paid trip to Ogbudu Ranch & a year modeling contract.
You think you've got all it takes to win? Hurry & get registered as registration ends soonest.
To register:
*Pay N5,000 into any First Bank Nationwide
Account Number - 2024538802
*Visit to complete registration.
*Print out slip after registration & come with both Print-out & Teller to audition venue.
Audition Cities:
Abuja, Awka, Benin, Lagos, Owerri, Yenagwa & Port-harcourt
Sponsorship & Enquiry:
Tel: 09020413366, 07031279205, 08098041896 & 08038172418.
Whatsapp: 07031279205
Facebook: missgreenlandnigeriabeautypageant.
Instagram: missgreenlandnigeria.