Granny (65) Found With Weed In Between Her Legs

Gran (65) Found With Weed In Between Her Legs

CHIPINGE: A 65-year-old local woman was slapped with a 12-month jailterm after she was found with marijuana stashed between her legs by police details at road check.

Kakaseni Mtetwa of Masosote Village under Chief Musikavanhu appeared before magistrate Noah Gwatidzo facing charges of possessing dangerous drugs.

She pleaded guilty and was slapped with 12 months imprisonment.

Gwatidzo however suspended the whole sentence on condition that Mtetwa does not commit a similar offence in the next 5 years.

The court considered that Mtetwa was a widow looking after young children.

Prosecutor, Witness Nyamundaya told the court that on September 27, at around 0400 hours, Kakaseni boarded a Toyota Hiace commuter omnibus at Manzvire Bus Stop going to Birchenough Bridge.

Around 0630 hours at Tanganda turn off, Chipinge police detectives who were manning the roadblock, stopped the vehicle and conducted asearch.

They found one blue sack which was in front of Mtetwa.

A further search on her person revealed she also had a small plastic bag hidden between her legs containing dagga.

Mtetwa subsequently arrested and the dagga was recovered.

(New Zimbabwe)