Five Catholics Priests Caught Pants Down Doing It With Each Other: Mugabe’s Zanu PF Implicated

Five Catholics Priests Caught Pants Down Doing It With Each Other: Mugabe’s Zanu PF Implicated

Five men of the cloth have been caught in the act while indulging in the vices of the flesh.

As immorality eats up the Roman Catholic, the five pastors are in trouble after their cases were escalated for disciplinary hearing.

The trained preachers are all from the Midlands Diocese areas, can reveal.

The development is the first of cases after numerous junior male priests complained to ZimEye on being sodomised by senior vicars.

“These things are happening here and have been on for years but because ZANUPF is in control, we are afraid of reporting as trouble will come,” one of the victims told this reporter last year.

So far five priests have been named as Father Alfred Chamunoda Machingura, Father Chiponde, Father Majoni, Father Cletus Dick and Father Dzikatire.

Since September 1, the above can no longer conduct mass as their cases are probed, a source told

Roman Catholic priests who vow to celibacy when they are ordained are expected to remain chaste and not to engage in any sexual pleasures whatsoever.

The suspensions are expected to extend from three to five years. More to follow.
