This Young Lady Says "She Doesn't Respect Islam and that no one Should" Find Out Why(Watch Video)


According to CBN News, Mona Walter lives under death threats and sometimes travels with police protection. But she is on a mission to teach Muslims the raw truth about Islam. She says if more Muslims knew what was in the Koran, more would leave Islam.

"It's about hating and killing those who disagree with Islam. It's about conquering. Mohammed, he was immoral. He was a bloodthirsty man. He was terrible man, and Muslims can read that in his biography -- what he did to Jews, how he raped women, how he killed people. I mean, he killed everyone who didn't agree with him""I mean, Muslims are normally good people like everyone else...But then when they read the Koran, then they become a killing machine.For more details from CBN News "Click Here" while watching More Video from Mona Walter.